Monday, June 4, 2012

In Zimbabwe

I'm in Mbare, Zimbabwe, and its amazing the people hear are amazing I already love it, everybody walks here so contacting is easy, but food is great and I'm learning Shona its a langauge in Mbare and I should be baptizing on the 16th and 23rd so everything is wonderful. I love teaching people here they are all amazing people that want to learn and change for the better, God bless everyone I miss you and love you all.

Monday, May 14, 2012

MTC First Letter

     The Provo MTC is great and fun but its a lot work and kinda hard because of all the work and rules that we have to do as missionaries but that's whats so awesome is we learn to be responsible and obedient. The food here is really good and the classes are great, I've been learning a lot that was hard for me before but I know if I keep the commandments and be obedient to the missionary handbook then I'll be blessed and have the spirit to teach out on the mission field. My district is awesome I already love these elders. Thay are really helping me with everything and helping me feel the spirit, with the gospel and my mission work, my companion is Elder Quinton and he is an awesome guy that is really a great friend and mission companion, he really is like me, he wants to learn and be focused on the gospel so we can teach it with the best ability, and really wants the spirit with us as we learn and teach investigators. We had two investigators for practice and it was great but hard, if you really study the things you teach and pray to our Heavenly Father for help you will have the spirit as you teach. Trust in the lord is so important, if you don't have faith in Jesus Christ and in the spirit you wont be guided to do the work correctly. We took pictures at the Provo temple and that was amazing to do because you feel peace and happiness next to the Lord's home. We also went to the temple Monday morning, we go on are preparation days to do temple work, email, write to friends and family, we do Landry, study and do gym time. Gym is awesome and fun I love 4 square and I always win (ha ha). At the MTC I've prayed more then ever, all day, everyday because its so important, I have come so much closer to my Heavenly Father, and the prayers are longer and more sincere and with real intent. I miss everybody and I love everybody and hope everyone is doing what is right and having fun with whatever your doing. Please everyone write me so I can write back and let you know how things are going in the MTC and when im in Zimbabwe. 

Thanks everyone :)

Elder Ray Brewster